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Middle of c100 for custody 50/50 and ex asking for more money

Eminent Member Registered

Hi all,


I think the answer is yes but just to ask it to be sure...


I've taken my ex to court via c100 as for 7 years I've had lies and deceit and alienation from her to parents kids CMS and now police, as well as hiding school letters, child illness and bad habits and all proved malicious but no one is doing anything ..

At the stage of the final hearing in 3 weeks and she's made a big effort to be extra friendly and now asking for half school clothes costs and other fees..

The problem is she lies all the time so I am asking to see the receipts (or is it argumentative)...

She gets 500 per month from me already and I see kids 3 nights per week .... I don't earn much now but did 2 years ago  so it's remnants from that...

How would you handle it...?  

Do I just pay as it's a smaller one off amount or is it setting a precident the courts will continue on if they see it currently being done.


Any advice.much appreciated.

Topic starter Posted : 01/08/2023 9:57 am
Illustrious Member


As CMS involved, can wait for outcome of final hearing. Then send court order to CMS. If you will be having equal day to day care of kids, then should not be paying her maintenance. CMS can decide on that. But entirely up to you if you want to pay more voluntarily.

Posted : 08/08/2023 10:38 pm

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