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[Solved] Maintenance without child benefit

Prominent Member Registered

I would be grateful for advice.

As part of ongoing acrimonious separation with the ex -I wanted to know about CSM.

I have been registered as part of the 2003 scheme.

I believe my ex is earning more than 60K (way more than me) - therefore should not be in receipt of child benefits.

If she is not entitled to the benefits - my understanding is that strictly speaking the CSA cannot request payments?

Im clearly not going to stop paying, but its something the CSA are not answering me on after over 12 months of written requests and a pending hearing at HMCTS and a review by the independent complaints commission.

BW and thanks in advanced

Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2015 9:52 pm
Illustrious Member

My understanding (it may be wrong) is that your ex is still entitled to claim child benefit, but if she does, then she would be liable for a tax charge which claws that back, so to avoid the hassle, she can chose to stop claiming child benefit. I think it's the fact that she is entitled to claim that the CSA would base their assessment on, not whether she is actually claiming it.

Posted : 09/02/2015 12:34 am
boycieuk and boycieuk reacted

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