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[Solved] Maintenance and self employed

Active Member Registered

My husband took a job 2 years ago which he was told he could only have if he went self employed. He took it. He’s worked for the same company all this time, he’s wages have changed few pounds week by week no anything substantiaL, he hired the van off them so never had he’s own transport and they paid all he’s tax he just settled he’s tax report and NI. They’ve recently laid him off as the work has dried up. We’re really struggling to keep our head above water and stupidly have ended up getting credit card to keep our home with our 2 year old. We contacted the CMS and made them aware of the situation but they’ve been no help said we will just have to fall into arrears until he sorts more work out.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation we’re really stuck what to do for the best

Topic starter Posted : 21/02/2020 11:02 pm
Illustrious Member


if he sees he could be out of work for a long time, he could sign up to benefits. if he shows proof to CMS, they will make him pay £7 a week in maintenance.

sounds like they don't know what their doing.
have a look at this:

Posted : 22/02/2020 10:32 pm
Active Member Registered

Thanks Bill that’s our next step to contact them and see if we can get any help.

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2020 3:09 am
Eminent Member Registered

I'm in a similar situation because as a contractor I got laid off for 6 weeks and didn't pay my ex over the 2 calendar months this fell into but then paid her the proportion I had worked in the months where I had worked partly once I started earning again.

I should also add that the CMS were given no jurisdiction in our case because the judge felt they are hopeless and to be fair the evidence I had from dealing with them was that they are totally incompetent.

I'm currently in court proceedings brought by her but I have no feel as to what is going to happen.

Posted : 23/02/2020 7:41 pm
Illustrious Member

Hi Rakeem,

whats going on in your court case at present, if you dont mind sharing?

Posted : 24/02/2020 2:03 am
Eminent Member Registered

No I don't mind!

But it's not a lot at the moment - I'll be happy to share when something actually does happen.

Just in the bit where we're looking at mutual form E's.

Posted : 24/02/2020 2:17 am
Active Member Registered

Thanks for sharing. Am I understanding correctly, your ex taken you to court because you missed 2 months payments? Is this even possible? We’ll be missing our first payment this week but purely because this is unavoidable. We paid this week and left our own family with £4 in the bank. Surely this isn’t justifiable. I support my husband having a financial commitment to his chicken and if I though for a second they’d go without I’d be fighting harder. But I know his ex and her husband are not short of a penny or two and this is what’s becoming more frustrating. But then I also don’t want my husband having to go through court etc.

There has to be a way out surely

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2020 1:21 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Yes - you are understanding correctly! In fact I couldn't work in those two months due to various regulatory requirements that had expired and needed to be re-submitted!

But, I don't want to make out that I was homeless or anything like that, I'm very fortunate to be in the position I'm in (and I don't just mean because I've divorced my ex!!) - but many people have it much tougher than I do.

But when you lose your job, without hindsight you don't know when you're going to be employed again! Towards the end of my spell I was pretty much maxed out on credit and debit cards.

I informed her early also (I wasn't given much notice).

But yes, you can go back to court over anything - the real reason she applied was in retribution for me returning to court for enforcement of contact which she has been violating massively since the marital breakup!

Posted : 27/02/2020 5:24 pm

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