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Independent Case Examiner (ICE)

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From time to time, you come across things that you initially overlook, but then do a second take that leaves you scratching your head. The Independent Case Examiner is one of them.

For those of you involved in making child maintenance payments, you have probably seen on paperwork and online reference to the Independent Case Examiner. For example, here is an extract of 'guidance' text taken from Gov.UK [ ] on how to bring a complaint to the Independent Case Examiner.

"The Independent Case Examiner reviews complaints about certain government organisations that deal with benefits, work and financial support."

(source text as of 17 October 2023)

It's important to note that the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) is part of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). So, when you file a complaint to a person or agency that claims to be 'Independent' of the CMS/DWP, such as the Independent Case Examiner, how can they be Independent if the automated email is response includes the following footer text:


Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Department for Work and Pensions.

If you have received this transmission in error please tell us and then permanently delete what you have received.

This email was scanned for viruses by the Department for Work and Pensions antivirus services and was found to be virus free.

Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored for compliance with our Email Policy.

NB: 2 x references to the 'Department for Work and Pensions'. 'Please tell us' would also refer to the Department for Work and Pensions.


Everything in the above quoted four lines suggests that the Independent Case Examiner is not 'an independent person or body'. For the avoidance of doubt, the Oxford Dictionary's definition of Independent is:

independent (of somebody/something) not connected with or influenced by something; not connected with each other

So, who is the so-called 'Independent' Case Examiner answerable to that is truly independent of the Department for Work and Pensions?

Food for thought.

This topic was modified 11 months ago by InfoDesk
Topic starter Posted : 17/10/2023 2:14 am

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