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How much CMS do you pay?

Active Member Registered

I wanted to poll other dads to see if my ex is just living in cloud cuckoo land.

How much child maintenance do you pay and for how many children?


my ex and I have a CMS based arrangment where I've always paid on time.

These payments have increased a lot lately because my pay has increased. I'm ok with that.

My ex is however extremely agitated as of late and wants more more more money. 

She cites various reasons but I find it hard to be convinced of her justifications.

When we split I used to pay 60 per week for 1 child. 

This was 5 years ago and now I'm paying the required 210 per week every week.

This works out to about 11K for the year.

I cannot comprehend how that's not a good enough amount of money to raise 1 child.

She is airing laundry on facebook accusing me of enjoying the high life and she's living in misery. I don't give a toss except for the exposure this will put my child in.





Topic starter Posted : 02/10/2023 1:23 pm
Trusted Member Registered

You pay 12% for the first child 

If the amount you're being asking to pay is £210 per week (with very little (i.e., less than 1/7th) to no overnight contact)., you would have to be on a salary (after pension deductions) of c. £108,000 per year, unless the CMS is factoring in any other income on a lower salary.

This post was modified 12 months ago 2 times by InfoDesk
Posted : 03/10/2023 8:01 pm

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