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New Member Registered



i have an informal agreement with the ex which is broadly based on the CMS online calculation.


i see my son around once every 3 weeks a weekend at a time, it involves a 300mile road trip. The ex doesn’t travel at all.  I understand that I could take a small amount off the monthly payment for the fuel costs, however the calculation takes it off the assessed gross pay value and uses a ridiculously low rate (14p for me).  So i understand my position wrt expenses in picking my son up and dropping him off again.


However, can i include mileage for further onward travel to visit grandparents?

And for holidays, where fuel, flights or ferries are required, are these not expenses that the monthly maintenance ought to also cover?

Topic starter Posted : 02/09/2023 4:02 pm
Illustrious Member


CMS have a narrow list of expenses you can claim, see: 0'special%20expenses,or%20a%20long%2Dterm%20illness

You can try reach Agreement with ex about reducing payments due to holiday expenses. I know how it is, recently spent a lot to treat kids to a big holiday, but CMS only interested in number of nights you have kids.


Posted : 03/09/2023 11:45 am
New Member Registered

Ok thanks. If that’s the extent of the guidance provided then I can’t see how travel beyond my house and my ex’s house can be considered. Unfortunately 

Topic starter Posted : 03/09/2023 9:01 pm

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