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Cycle to work scheme and effect on Child maintenance payments

Active Member Registered

Hello all

Hope someone can give me an idea about this. I currently don't pay Child maintenance. I have a court order saying that the kids live at both homes equally. However my ex has a long history (including taking me to court) to try and get greater than a 5050 split. I think she is currently trying to build evidence that she can use to show to the CMS that she covers most of the children's day to day costs. For example she has replaced one of the kids phones, that I paid for, for a better phone and she now pays the bill. She is asking for money to cover extracurricular activities that she chooses to do with the kids. 

Anyway I'm expecting a CMS letter at some point in the not too distant future and was wondering how cycle to work scheme is considered by CMS, if at all. Does anyone have experience dealing with this and the CMS?

Apparently cycle to work is taken off gross income, similar to pensions so that you're not taxed or have NI on the value of the bike (except you pay VAT of course). I work 15miles away over a huge hill and want to take advantage of an e bike worth around £2500 I'd probably need a 12month or 18month repayment and this would be a reduction of around 20% off my salary before tax and 12% of NI (I think).

I've had a read through diversion of income and how pensions can be used to do this. I feel my pension contribution is within safe limits and won't be considered a diversion. However the ebike would add 20% (maybe 32% if NI is considered) to anything considered as a potential diversion. I don't want to be stung for both the cycle cost and excessive CMS payments (if i have to pay them) at the same time. I can manage one of the two but would struggle with both. 

Does anyone have experience dealing with this issue?

Many thanks

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2023 4:01 pm
Illustrious Member


I suggest you keep receipts of expenses for children. If your details are not registered with kids schools/GP then you should, and keep evidence of attending appointments, showing involvement in day to day care etc.

Am not sure about cycle to work scheme and impact on payments.

I recommend you join this support group for paying parents, very useful:

Posted : 01/09/2023 8:42 pm
Active Member Registered

Thanks for the advice. I do have my addresses with the school and doctors and can show good involvement in the kids lives. I often take them to the doctors as she doesn't have a car. I'll check the forum of Facebook out.


Topic starter Posted : 02/09/2023 10:08 pm

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