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[Solved] csm

New Member Registered

hi looking for advice my ex has taken it upon herself to apply to csm i have always paid for my son and always will, i would like to know when csm decide how much i pay will they take into account the £20,000 loan i am still paying off. this was a joint loan i never saw a penny of she had all the money to dig her out of trouble, she agreed to pay the loan off but never made one payment, hence i had to pay it or loose the house and my credit rating, we had a private agreement recognised by csa, i never missed a payment all done online thro the bank, when she changed what i pay for recently i have paid extra as i want my son to benifit, without even talking to me she has just applied to csm . i tried to talk to her today in a calm way but she said nothing will change her mind, any help would be great thanks

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2015 11:17 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Unfortunately the CSM will not take your debt liabilities, rent (or mortgage) payments, house-hold bills etc.
They will only use your Gross Income information as obtained from HMRC.

The CMS *MAY* take into account loans, if said loans are in both your names or if for instance you can demonstrate clearly that you both benefited.

For instance if it can be shown that the whole loan amount was to pay for work on the shared home and such like.

Posted : 24/02/2015 5:38 pm

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