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CSA variation says I provided insufficient information

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Hello. I am at my wits end. I had been paying my ex a monthly sum outside of CSA, having notified her I was unemployed. I received a letter in January saying I needed to pay £300 per month based on HMRC data from 2022. This showed a redundancy payment so was a littler higher than my previous salary. I have been unemployed since then, and not claiming benefits. We live off one wage in my now new family. I have trained in a trade but struggling to get a job as everyone wants experience. I have done the odd job but nothing significant and would be below any threshold. I don’t see my LO through their decision/exs. I applied for the variation, provided all the information but they have sent a letter today saying I need to pay the ordinal amount as I provided insufficient evidence of anything different. I really don’t know what else I can provide? I can’t afford £300 a month. It says I can appeal to an employment tribunal but is that anything different? I am not earning yet trying. What do I do please? 

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2024 2:24 pm
Illustrious Member


Best thing to do would be to apply for universal credit. May be difficult as you have partner in house thats working. How about job seekers allowance? These should be enough proof for CMS to either put you on nil rate (pay nothing) or flat/reduced rate which would be very minimal amount. Did you send CMS proof of your last job ending, like termination letter?

Posted : 05/06/2024 2:46 pm

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