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CSA payments - smal...
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[Solved] CSA payments - small claims

New Member Registered

Hello, I'm just wondering if someone could share some advice regarding CSA payments.

My ex partner and I have a 2 year old son and we broke up before his 1st birthday. I was having regular contact with my son and having him stay over with me on alternate weekends. In June 2014, she contacted CSA (I was sending bits over to him and giving money when I could) CSA wanted me to pay around £240 a month but I was unable to afford this due to the amount of Debt I have gotten into whilst being in a relationship with his mother. I agreed to pay around £140 a month as this was all I could afford and I'm still struggling financially.

Recently My ex partner has moved from Manchester to London as she had a secret boyfriend and when I've gone through my finances I have noticed that she actually owes me nearly £5,000 which is contribution to the loans we had together and a fine I paid off for her. I am looking at claiming this money back through small claims court as I have all the evidence to prove money left my account to go into hers.
Once I told her of my intentions, she has kicked off and said she will contact CSA. Is she able to do this? as my bank statements show transactions and no missed payments.

Any help would be very welcome.

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2015 2:11 pm
Estimable Member Registered

As long as you are paying by standing order (and it is clear in the payment reference that it is for child maintenance), and you have not missed any of your scheduled payments, then the CSA will not be interested in your Civil Dispute with your ex.

Posted : 24/02/2015 4:50 pm
Illustrious Member

Jastix is correct that the CSA aren't concerned with any private court case you have. However, if the CSA did a calculation of £240 per month, and you have been paying less than this, and the CSA case is still open, then potentially you are in arrears so this might come back to bite you. However, even if you don't pursue your ex for the money, she could still inform the CSA that you are in arrears and it could come back to get you anyway.

Posted : 26/02/2015 12:35 am

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