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CSA demanding to mu...
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CSA demanding to much

New Member Registered

So, I have just had a lengthy conversation with the CSA. It would seem that they are happy to demand even more money from my wage at the risk of my already average life becoming even more debt laden. My ex-partner refuses to see reason and is happy to see me suffer. I cannot afford legal help, the CSA seems to think that overtime is available whenever I want it.  

I pay a fair and reasonable amount on time every month. But they want every spare penny I have. The lady I spoke to was [censored] all help, her mantra was if you don’t pay the difference we will grab it from your wage and charge you and additional 20% because we can.  So in short, no luxuries for me.

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2023 10:24 am
Illustrious Member


Unfortunately CMS take overtime pay, as well as bonuses and pay rises into account.

If you think their assessments are wrong, then suggest you take the complaints route, and involve your MP.

I recommend you join this support group for paying parents, very useful:

Posted : 01/09/2023 7:04 pm

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