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[Solved] CSA Case

Posts: 1020
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Noble Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Ca you call the CSA and enquire if your ex has a case open?

Still wondering if I should open one of my own.



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Illustrious Member
Posts: 8551

Hello Dave,

Yes you can contact the CSA and enquire, you can also open a case yourself. If the mother has contacted the CSA they will contact you but it might be advisable to start putting a weekly/monthly amount aside just in case as it can take weeks for the, to get the claim up and running.

Joined: 12 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1020

Hi Mojo,

I already give 16% of gross and before that 20% of net just wondered if I can call them and find out or open a case myself.

Thanks for answering this.



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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

If you aren't already, make absolutely sure that the payment you currently make says that it's for child maintenance.

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Noble Member
Posts: 1020

Just had CSA letter through the door today....I suspected so.

I have paid what is due so far using th eonline calculator and they say the claim will be worked out from 22/09/13.

Any advice on how to handle this?

Should I stop paying until the amount is worked out or keep paying??



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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

If you continue to pay make sure that you pay through the bank with a standing order and reference the payment child maintenance for (Childrens names) and the date the payment covers, so it would be from - to.

If you choose not to pay then you should put the weekly amount aside so that you don't get a shock and have to find weeks of payments in one go when the claim is up and running....I've heard it can take 12 weeks or more.

My preference would be to put it away, simply because I don't trust the CSA to acknowledge payments that are made in the interim....even with proof! Call me cynical!


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