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CSA Calculator - Doesn't take my ex-wifes income

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Hi, I have been making a voluntary agreed payment to my ex-wife for a couple of years for our teenage daughter who is in further education. We are both what you might consider as high earners and still have a 50/50 share in our business. We earn the same amount per year. My ex has now threated to go to the CSA... When I look at the amount on their calculator it is 3 times higher than our last voluntary agreement. Under duress I have now doubled the monthly payment, but I know this is far higher than half the costs incurred for my daughter, I am absolutely happy to pay 50% of the genuine costs (excluding the car that my ex bought my daughter) and think it's wholely unfair at the new level given her income.

Am I wasting my time looking at this further or is there any options to explore to get a fair amount agreed?

Appreciate any help and advice offered.

Topic starter Posted : 08/09/2023 11:26 am
Illustrious Member


 Unfortunately the CMS/calculator does not take receiving parents income into account. Only paying parents income taken into account.

 If you have equal day to day care of child, then you should not be paying maintenance.

Posted : 10/09/2023 10:04 am

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