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CSA and carers allo...
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[Solved] CSA and carers allowance

Posts: 3
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Joined: 12 years ago

New to the site and would like some advice with regards to the CSA
From March 2007 until July 2007 I was a full-time carer and was receiving £40
The CSA wrote to me and said that they would arrange to take £5 per week from my benefits which I was ok with
They took 3 payments and then stopped
I didn't keep an eye on my finances so I didn't realise that they had stopped taking money from my benefits and now I'm in arrears
Can anybody offer any advice??


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Have the CSA said why they stopped taking the payments? I think the starting poiint here is what have the CSA said about repaying the arrears, and what is your situation at the moment with regards to work or income?

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Posts: 3

The CSA said it was down to the DWP to take payments and I need to speak to them, although why they can't do that themselves is beyond me.
I have now just started work and will start paying them when I get paid to stay on top of things.
There is a dispute over how much arrears there are so I'm getting copies of all my payslips and bank statements since my daughter was born and will work it out myself and then pass on the info to CSA.
I have sent payslips and bank statements to CSA by recorded delivery over the years and they have no record of ever receiving them.
So the CSA have hardly any details of what I have been doing since my daughter was born.
They sent me a statement in June 2012 and it was totally wrong so I'm going to get me own records together and see if they will accept my version of events.
If not I'll suggest that they take my to court for the arrears and I'll turn up with payslips and bank statements and they'll turn up with nothing.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I'm surpised the CSA said you should speak to the DWP, as far as I know the CSA are now pretty much a 'brand name' for that part of the DWP.

Do you have copies of the postal receipts? If so, that will help - the whole things sounds like the CSA have messed up (probably because they have had some big reorganisations and a number of offices which don't seem to make sense as to where they are dealing with) and I would hope that you are given a good audience in court.


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