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[Solved] CSA

Posts: 2
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi ,

after some info I split from my ex 6 months ago and have two kids boy 3 and girl 4 i paid her £400 per month whilst i was finding place to live , I have now moved into my house and have the kids 50% of the time over night at my house but my ex still wants me to pay £400 per month this is too much as I have to keep my housing going , as I have the kids 50% of the time does this mean I dont have to pay her anything or i should pay less , any help would be great

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Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there and welcome to the Forum!

Is the contact an informal agreement or do you have a Contact Order?.... It sounds as though it is, as you've only been split for 6 months....and are the CSA involved or is the maintenance you are paying a private agreement?

Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

Hi Jane

at present its private agreement but she wants to go through CSA and agree think this would be better that way we dont have to see one anther , what i need to know is how much i would have to pay for me kids and will it be less than £400 per month as I have the kids over night 3 or 4 times a week so we do split it 50/50 so I think its unfair for me to have to pay for the kids when i have them half the time plus my ex has full time job and gets child tax and housing benfit so she can support her self

thanks again for any help Jane

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Posts: 1

You will be best to go onto the online calculator and work out exactly how much you should be paying. It depends on your salary.. but sounds to me your paying far to much if your having them 50/50...


Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

...I'm sorry for not responding earlier but it is as Alan says. CSA have a calculator that you can use to work out what you should be paying and have a wage slip handy.

I think you are entitled to a reduction if you have the children for more than 52 nights a year.

I've just realized, I did respond, its sitting over in the Legal Eagle board...I dont know how your post has got split!
As I was typing this I remembered so I went and had a look, its there and called re CSA and is on the second page.

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Not sure what happened to split the posts - that may have been me tidying up. Have moved this thread onto Finance as it's more appropriate here.

The CSA calculator should help, but the basic calculation (at the moment) is 15%/20%/25% of your income for 1/2/3+ children, less 50% (assuming you have them 50% of the time) less a further £7 per week for each child.


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