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[Solved] CMS using out of date tax year

New Member Registered

Hello all, help required,

the CMS have told me they will be using the tax year 2012/2013 again to calculate payments as its the latest info from HMRC that they have(as of Feb 2015!).

I earned nearly 5k less in 2013/2014 but the CMS have ignored this, even though I sent them my P45. Is this legal?

I spoke to HMRC and they said my info is up to date and its up to the CMS to get this, unsurprisingly, they won't and are sticking to the 2012/13 P60. Ironically, with that same figure being used the payments requested have gone up!

So, am I obliged to just accept this(basically being bullied) and what happens if I don't?

All answers appreciated in advance.

Skint Dad

Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2015 3:48 pm
Estimable Member Registered

No... you are not obliged to accept this. Some things to confirm before commenting any further.

Do you have your P60 for the last tax year (i.e. April 2013 - April 2014)?
P45 is NEVER accepted. P60 is the declaration of taxable income.

If you can provide a copy of the P60, then they are obliged to accept this as the statutory accepted form of evidence.

If you do not have your P60, then get the HMRC to send it to you.
That will prove definitively what information has been made available to the CMS.

Never accept what the CMS tell you on the telephone as the gospel truth.
Those who man the phone have different levels of abilities and indeed sometimes some personal agenda.

Always send your queries and/or considered objections in writing, asking for a written reply.

Posted : 05/03/2015 8:59 pm
(@Child Maintenance Consultant)
Noble Member Registered

Hello Asdfgh

This sounds like a frustrating situation for you. If you are not happy with how the Child Maintenance Service are dealing with your case, they do have a complaints and appeals process which you can follow.

You can find details about this here, along with details about how to begin each process,

The Child Maintenance Service are just one possible option for arranging maintenance payments. If you would like information about the other options and a more personalised service, you can contact Child Maintenance Options directly,

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have a web application, ‘Sorting out separation’. It aims to make it much easier for separating and separated parents (and childless couples) to find the support they need, when and where they need it, and encourages them to collaborate on a range of issues. The link is



Posted : 06/03/2015 4:09 pm

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