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CMS Triggering Seri...
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CMS Triggering Serious Ill Health

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Hi, we are seeking out anyone who has been ( in their own opinion) triggered into serious ill health and worse by the actions, processes and procedures of the CSA/CMS.  Or if you are aware of anyone who has been seriously impacted. There is a Campaign Group called STOPS that is engaging with politicians in order to encourage the DWP to undertake an in depth review of how such impacts can be avoided to stop people becoming so stressed that they do serious harm to themselves and often others and even their own children. 

Thank you. 

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you may find many affected people in this group for paying parents:



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@dadmod2 Excellent, thank you so much - I/we will check the link. For info there is a pile of effort going on at the moment to engage with DWP via a cross section of MPs and parties. Rebecca Smith MP has just submitted a Written Parliamentary Question to Liz Kendall (SoS DWP) on Mental Health of Paying Parents. However, we see that the published question is different from that confirmed as sent and watered down to say the least, which is a concern. But there is a big challenge underway to support paying parents (many of whom have experienced poor service, inflated arrears etc. OH and Women Paying Parents too btw). 

Our focus is on the triggers that we know have pushed people 'too far' without being too explicit here.

Thank you and good luck to everyone on here. If anyone is aware of a serious case let us know.

Kind regards


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Mental health is a struggle atm. I don’t get to see my kids, I haven’t for 6 years or so(only because my ex won’t allow it after we split and I can’t afford court) she even took me to court for harassment which got thrown out. I struggle every day and cm don’t help a single bit with their constant threats.
I am currently on a nil income and my wife supports us both ( just) as she is on maternity leave. CM  are threatening me with enforcement because I can’t afford to pay the arrears even though I have no income. Is there someone I can speak to about this or something that’s in place to get them to stop?

many thanks



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@stew9897 hi, please join group

they can best advise you.

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@stew9897. If you are finding life tough during the Christmas period and need to speak to someone Release the Pressure have experts available for every mental health concern, including anxiety, depression, stress, suicidal thoughts.  Text SHOUT to 85258 or call 0800 107 0160.

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Posts: 3

@dadmod3 Thanks for adding this valuable advice. Yes the Facebook Group has a lot of support in there and you are seriously NOT ALONE in this Joining these Groups helps to get advice and also opportunity to vent. We at STOPS are particular focused on gathering the data on triggers and activity that has driven people either very close to the edge and being supported by e.g. NHS intervention or have carried out the deed.

We are now examining how much harm has been done by the DWP and reach out to anyone who has considered the worst, knows personally of anyone who has taken their life as a result of CMS triggers and pressures.

The purpose is to bring facts and not stats to Government and to prove that what the DWP narrative says is destroyed by its own data.

We must stop these triggers.

For example: Many people freak out when receiving an SMS or E-Mail on a Friday. Last week I personally received 2 eamils at 0800 ish on a Friday. I thought: "I'm not spoiling my weekend". So at 1016 on Monday I logged in to portal and read the letters.

My Garmin watch tells me my stress averages below 30 all week. BUT. At 1016 , my stress jumped to 94/100 and heart rate to 106 while sat opening an email. This is bearable by me but after years of hounding it is the sort of this that makes people like James Anderson at 71 jump out of his bedroom window.

THIS MUST STOP and we at STOPSuicides UK will make every effort and turn over every DWP stone that hides the truth that bizarrly through FOI they admit they have data on - but will not disclose it.

The implications for Government on this level of scandal we are starting to uncover is enormous and that is what the senior Civil Servants will be warning the Ministers. This will be worse than Hillsborough, Bloods and Horizon and they know it.


Triggering people into suicide, harming others like Emma Day through maladministration is simply not acceptable and the DWP must be held to account as Joy Dove recently did over disability benefits at the Court of Appeal.


Keep positive and if anyone wishes to, join the campaign at

Thanks you all at for the fantastic work and support you give.

Best to All from STOPS x



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