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[Solved] CMS Questions

Active Member Registered

Hi guys I have a few questions about CMS. I have been paying now for about 6 months, and pay 15th every month. Is paying early allowed? I paid today (13th) cause sunday is a non working day and worried about her not getting the money as I just transfer it over. I don't' want her to turn around and say "Oh he didn't pay me on the 15th".

I pay £107 a month, but my current partner is pregnant how much deduction will happen? Also if I move in with my partner who works full time and earns more then me will I have to pay more?

Also my ex has a partner who works full time but unsure if he is living with her. Should I be paying still as there is now two incomes going in to her house plus benefits (She's raking it in).. She works part time. It was mentioned to me ages ago that if her partner moved in he became the provider of the house and I would not have to pay. How true is that?

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2015 9:47 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Lets deal with your ex's partner first, because this is the most straight forward.

It does not matter in the slightest if you ex's partner lives with her, how much he earns, or how much she earns.
What you pay for child maintenance under CMS rules is simply based on your Gross earnings.

Now to the matter of paying early.
It is OK.... will not be a problem, as long as you pay via the normal channels, and to the same account.
My advise is to ALWAYS use a standing order, rather than ad-hoc payments via bank transfer.
If the normal payment date is on a weekend, the bank will transfer the money on the very next working day (and the CMS will not penalise you for this)

If you and your current partner are soon blessed with another child, then see the following link:
(How child maintenance is worked out).
'Step 4' on this page addresses this issue of any other children who may or may not be living with you.

If you move in with your current partner, then her income will not be affect how much you are expected to pay.
They use YOUR income, and not the household income.

Posted : 13/02/2015 10:20 pm

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