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CMS Cant' find reco...
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[Solved] CMS Cant' find records

Posts: 1
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Joined: 5 years ago

Afternoon Everyone,

This is a bit of a complicated situation and its been ongoing for since 2013.

When i started my current job back in 2013 the CMS or CSA at the time, set up a deductions of earning order with my company for payments to my son. All good that was the best way for me to have it paid, however the CSA had based my income on a massive £85,000 annual income. I have never earned that amount I'm a humble tractor mechanic.

When i asked where they got this information the said it was HMRC who provided the details as they now share a joint system.
I obviously went through all the rigmaroll of proving i have never earned that amount via HMRC with pay slips and P60 information sent to the CSA as evidence.

Nothing was actully done and it was a constant fight up until 2016 when the system changed over to the CMS. When the system changed over the CMS wanted all my details again to prove my current earnings. At this point i thought i actully might get somewhere with them.

They responded back and set the collection amount to match my salary. All good until 2017 then bang the calculations were based on this imagenery £85,000 a year earnings again.

I contested the amount and ended up in the same senario as before. I continued to hound the CMS until March 2019 when my job role changed.
My new role has a lower grade salary as im office based, so i notified the CMS of the changes providing my new work contract start date and salary i would be earning.

Again when i contacted the CMS i was told my case was under special review and then was continually fed just general waffle from the operators as they said the couldn't find any records dating back to before 2017.

The 9th of January i finally got a hold of my so called "case worker" who tried her hardest do deflect the blame from her. She said the amount will now be ammended to mach my salary now and this would be with imediate effect. 14th of January i recive the letter from the CMS with change to my payments and this is where i have got up to now.

The CSA have attached over £6,000 in arrears to the new ammended payments so im paying the exact same amount as before.
When contacted they keep telling they have no records they can see dating back pre 2017 and the arrears were based on this imagenery £85,000 a year salary i was supposed to have earned.

So CMS, have had evedence of pay slips and payment history dating back to 2013. Contacted HMRC many times and there system is up to date and is confirmed by tax returns and P60 information. CMS can't give me any physical evedence of payments pre 2017. Money has always been payed through deductions of earnings order which shows on my payslips.

Anybody any ideas what i should do?

2 Replies
Posts: 118
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Joined: 8 years ago

Raise a complaint and get your MP involved.

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Yes, I agree - there is a complaints procedure for this, but your MP should also be able to raise a complaint at a higher priority than you can. Put everything down on paper, as concisely as possible , to give to your MP - that way you know they have the correct figures.


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