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Cm dispute

Posts: 192
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Reputable Member
Joined: 4 years ago

The ex is saying I owe her more cm money.

I earn 45k a year. We have 2 kids. I have a court order which states she has them 55% of time and I get them approx 45% , so it's very close to 50/50.


I roughly pay her about £80 a month but according to the calculator it says i owe her about £240 a month. She only has them 4 nights extra a month than me. So surely the calculator isn't correct based on my level of access?

If i opened a case do they use something different than the calculator seeingnas my access is close to 50 50..

2 Replies
Posts: 5423
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


if you open CMS case, then the figure they work out will be very similar to what the calculator generated. don't recommend opening case. they are a real pain to deal with. if you do open then in future you will be paying more if you get pay rise, bonus or do over-time.

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

If it isn't 50/50, then the calculation is based on your gross pay (I think it's 16% for 2 children) and then this is reduced by 1/7th for each 52 nights you have them to stay, so even though it's close to 50%, it's not quite there, so the CMS calculator is about right.


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