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CHM Recalculation P...
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CHM Recalculation Points

Posts: 2
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Joined: 1 year ago

Hello everyone, looking for some advice, please...


My Ex and I have agreed on how much I will pay in CHM every month as part of our final/conditional order (£600 - which is £29 over what the DWP calculator calculates). She has requested as part of the final/conditional order that I provide my P60 on an annual basis to verify my earnings. 

My questions:

  • if I have a pay increase or receive a bonus etc. when do I need to increase the amount I pay? Is the £600 sufficient because it has been legally agreed
  • if she were to pursue payment via the CMS, how would this be determined? Assume that CMS use the DWP calculator? I'm worried that I could come off much worse after reading some of the CMS horror stories on here.
  • if my earnings increased and I was underpaying the DWP calculator in line with the final/conditional order, could the monies I owe be backdated? I have at least 15 years to pay so any underpayments could be significant in the aggregate.

Many thanks in advance for everyone's input.


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hi, for how long is your conditional order valid for?

does order state amount is fixed at 600, or can it change depending on your income?

from the CMS side, if you were to be paying through their system, you notify of them of income changes if it drops or increases by 25% or more. if pay rises or bonuses do not exceed the 25% threshhold, no need to report. they will see all this when they review your income every year. bonuses,overtime/pay rises mean you have to pay more maintenance.


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New Member
Posts: 2

Hi @bill337 and thanks for the response.

I assume that I am to provide my P60 each year so that it can be recalculated in line with my earnings. 

Not sure about the relevance of the conditional order. I was referring to the final order which I assume applies until the children finish education (c.18)?

How does the CMS calculate payments due? I am PAYE so assume that it would be using the DWP calculator? There are some real horror stories on here re. miscalculation and destitution. 

May thanks again.




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