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After a year of not seeing my children I have a Child Arrangements Order that I get equal shared time with the children. For the last 12 months I have been paying over £1000 on Child Maintenance. 

The ex is now contacting the CMS with the Court Order to reduce it by 4/7ths based on the number of nights and in parallel is asking me to pay for half of childcare costs/activities as well as expecting me to buy own school uniforms etc.

I believe I have an argument with the CMS for Reg 50 and shared day-to-day care but this may take several months to progress. In the meantime do I have to pay half the childcare costs or can I say that the CMS payments cover this? Any advice would be much appreciated!


Topic starter Posted : 15/08/2023 2:38 pm
Illustrious Member


If CMS decide that you still have to pay maintenance, I recommend you ask for mandatory reconsideration, that you have equal day to day care of kids and should not be paying maintenance. If they reject it, then you can take it to tribunal. In meantime i suggest you keep paying according to their payment plan, to avoid falling into arrears.

I recommend this support group for paying parents. Very useful:

This video explains issue of extra costs and school uniforms:

Posted : 16/08/2023 10:43 am
Active Member Registered

@bill337 Thanks Bill - this is really really helpful and useful.

I will absolutely be contacting the CMS soon to request shared day-to-day care and have started collecting evidence. I am worried however that it will go to appeal/tribunal which could stretch out 12-18 months. 

I will certainly continue the CMS payments, however am I legally bound to pay for additional childcare costs? If I'm being charged CMS based on nights do I have a requirement to pay for anything day-to-day?

Topic starter Posted : 16/08/2023 3:45 pm

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