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Child Mainternance ...
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Child Mainternance from germany and i live in uk

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I met a girl in Germany in the year 2000 and we starting seeing each other then she fell pregnant, after a couple of weeks we broke up and she told me she was moving away and didn’t know if she would keep the baby I called a couple of times after and she still wasn’t sure if she was going to keep the baby, then she changed her phone number and there was no way I could contact her, I tried on numerous occasions through email but never got reply’s.

Then I went back to the UK in 2001 because there was no more work and I thought she had not gone through with the pregnancy because I never got any contact from her,

Then to my surprise in 2002 I got an email saying she had kept the baby as you can expect I was over the moon I was a dad and was over the moon so I went straight out to Germany to meet her and spent a week with my daughter and my ex, then at the end of the week my ex give me a ultimatum that if I wanted to be in my daughter’s life I would have to move back to Germany which at that time I was in a new relationship with another child on the way so I couldn’t, then my ex in Germany said if I don’t she was going to marry this other man and he was going to be the father for my daughter.

My ex in Germany kept to her word she never let me see my daughter or have any contact I tried on numerous occasions to get in touch with the German ex and even tried messaging the church in her village and other people who lived in her village but never got any correspondence from anyone so for years it was very hurtful knowing I had a daughter I could not see.

Then in April 2016 I got an email from the mother saying she had been divorced from the man she married who I think fostered my daughter and was her dad for all that time they had a lovely life in a great house with a swimming pool and he was a millionaire so they never wanted for anything until now.

So I went over with my wife and my UK daughter to meet my German daughter which was a very emotional time for all of us it was lovely to finally get to know my daughter since them we have paid for her to fly to UK and numerous occasions but when we returned from Germany there was a letter in our home from the German government asking for £48,000 German child maintenance which I think was the only reason the German mother of my daughter wanted us to go there.

Now I have received a letter from the courts saying I must pay £48,000 in 28 days surely this isn’t allowed I have had my life ruined by the German ex not letting me have anything to do with my daughter, until she lost her millionaire husband now she thinks she can use me as a cash cow this surely must be illegal.

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With an amount of this size, I would go and see a solicitor as soon as possible. Is the letter from the English court or from a german one? Could be done under REMO, so you'd need a solicitor who understands that.


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