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Child Maintenance

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Hello everyone just got this today sunday the 1st - letter dated the 2nd?? My daughter has left full time eduction???

Tried to do what I was informed on the 31st so my ex still gets money how does that work? 

Dear Mr ect

Your child maintenance payments have not changed

Child Maintenance Service Team

Phone number: 0800 171 2345

Website: Date: 02 September 2024

Your reference number: xxxxx Our reference:  xxxxx

We are writing to you because you told us that the following child left full time education on 31 August 2024:

Xxxxxxxx, born on xxxxxx 2006

By ‘full time education’ we mean full time, non-advanced education or approved training.

We asked Ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to confirm this but we were told the change has not happened. We then gave you the opportunity to dispute this, but so far we haven’t received any suitable evidence from you to confirm what you originally told us.

As a result, our records still show your child is in full time education and still qualifies as a child for child maintenance purposes.

What this means for you

If your child leaves full time education, it may affect the amount of child maintenance you pay. But as our records show they are still in full time education, the amount of maintenance you pay will stay the same.

More information

Visit for more information. If you have any questions you can contact us by going to and signing in to your My Child Maintenance Case or call us using the number at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Client Services Manager Child Maintenance Service

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2024 8:59 am
Illustrious Member

it may be possible that your ex told child benefit office that child is still in full-time education, could be taking an approved course. if child benefit still active, then CMS will tell you to keep paying. if you think there is fraud going on with child benefit, can report it:


I recommend you join this support group for paying parents:

Posted : 01/09/2024 2:53 pm

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