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Child leaving education

Eminent Member Registered

Did anybody have any joy when reporting a change on 31st August/1st September after notifying the CMS that child is no longer in education? 

my husband reported on Sunday 1st of September, however we had a letter back within a few hours rejecting it stating they’d contacted other parent and they said change has not happened. 

other than having no trust in Ex or CMS my issues are

1.) the turn around for the letter was UNBELIEVABLY quick as any other time we’ve needed to make changes (I.e to add our child to CMS) it took 3 months despite them having all the evidence there on day of notification (and apparently they can check child benefit eligibility for this also but obviously they didn’t)

2.) on the letter we received it says they contacted other parent and then they contacted us for evidence - they didn’t contact us? So I assume they didn’t contact other parent either and have just rejected it? 



Topic starter Posted : 10/09/2024 2:22 pm
Illustrious Member


those must be automated messages.

please see

Posted : 10/09/2024 3:05 pm
Mark Nixon reacted
Eminent Member Registered

@bill337 thank you for another useful video. The comments from people underneath all seem to have had the same issue, how are they allowed to get away with blatant lying? And at the expense of non resident parents, I imagine any over payments will be just an ‘ah well’ on their behalf.

Topic starter Posted : 10/09/2024 3:27 pm
Mark Nixon reacted
Active Member Registered

Yeah I had this issue too. I sent a request in at approx 18:30-19:00 on 02/09/24 and received a response roughly 07:00 the following morning. Literally 12 hours. How they contacted my ex and got the evidence is beyond me. Their claim was my ex is still claiming child benefit and id have to speak to them.

I just put it in again and they've put it down as a mandatory reconsideration.

I have no idea how this outfit are still operating as it's not fit for purpose.

Posted : 11/09/2024 5:59 pm
SylaB3 reacted
Eminent Member Registered

@rich1 thank you for responding, will try that now through the portal. Hope you don’t mind me asking but did they ask you for any evidence?

Topic starter Posted : 13/09/2024 8:02 am
Active Member Registered

@babyb yeah they did say what evidence do I have to support it. Unfortunately my case is complex as my ex has poisoned my child so she won't talk to me, my ex refuses to engage despite several emails being sent asking her the information and unfortunately the name on my case is not my child's birth name and as CMS refused to give me the details due to data protection, there's a possibility I'm paying for a child that isn't even mine 😕

Posted : 13/09/2024 12:18 pm
Eminent Member Registered

@rich1 im sorry you’re going through that, its a nightmare. 😞 We’re in a similar situation in that after 18 years of weekly contact we were cut off and numbers changed with no reason, years of manipulation finally paid off for ex. we don’t have any evidence either only his plans from when we last saw him. Doesn’t help that we have no faith in CMS to actually do their job or ex to do the right thing. Just have to hope that it’s not for much longer. Tried reporting a change again now so will see what they say, we’ve got nothing to lose by trying.

Topic starter Posted : 13/09/2024 1:07 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Me again, any idea how I can get a mandatory reconsideration? I’ve reported twice and got an automated response both times (my mistake for reporting out of working hours I think!).


I’ve tried phoning twice but been on hold for 1 hour and then cut off and then an hour and a half and been cut off. I’ve tried reporting again online during opening hours and mid week in hope that it’ll get noticed but it seems to have gone through exactly the same as the last two so I’m not hopeful. 

Topic starter Posted : 18/09/2024 4:03 pm
Illustrious Member

@babyb hi. you can email and

you could also get your MP to complain to them.

Posted : 18/09/2024 6:12 pm
SylaB3 reacted

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