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[Solved] 'Child Benefits'

Eminent Member Registered

I've just been reading up on the likes of Child Benefit, Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit via a site called

Apparently it seems I could apply for these benefits and receive approx. £200 per month for my child.

However, as my ex is already claiming these I can't, despite having a 50/50 care arrangement.

I've asked my ex if she is willing to transfer half of this (£100) to my bank every month as this is the child's money and she is entitled to it.

The ex has said no (not suprising as she is a shark with money).

Is there anything I can do legally to persuade her to do this as surely I am entitled to use this to care for the child when she's in my care?!

Topic starter Posted : 08/03/2015 4:35 am
Estimable Member Registered

The way work and child tax credits are worked out is by the amount of money you earn before tax per year, the hours you work and the child care you pay for and when i.e before and after school care. When your children go to before or after school care , will be based on your ex's work commitments and when you cared for them. If you were taking them to before school club following overnight stay with you to allow you to go to work in the morning etc, your ex would factor that in. Meaning she pays for the care, not you. Child tax credits only pay a percentage towards that care, not all of it.

If you were to do a joint claim, then you may be able to ask the ex for a percentage based on your wage. If she earns less than you, you cannot expect her to give you half as this would have a direct impact on your children. Your ex may work out that she is better off by not working, some people in certain circumstances are. But the government expect Mum's to be looking for work when the children get to a certain age, so this may not be an option for her.

If you both have 50/50 ,generally the father does not pay maintanance anyway, so it would be a bit unfair for you to ask for money which is used for your children anyway.

Hope this helps.

Posted : 08/03/2015 9:05 pm

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