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can college tell CM...
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[Solved] can college tell CMS sons course level

Posts: 2
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(@Hayley Jones)
Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Just wondered if anyone can help.

Can the child main services contact my sons college to find out what level his is studying as i believe he is advanced education (above level 3 and A levels).

I have told the CMS for the last 2 years that he had already studied for sports btecs from 2015-2017, which i paid maintenance for. He then turn 18 and continued to study sport at the next level (after BTECS) which the school have said can only be a HNC .They say due to data protection they cannot tell me his course details.

I contacted the child benefit fraud line and had to report her 3 times (it took 6 months) before they eventually withdrew her child benefit.
My son was 1 year through his course, so surely that is enough evidence to say its advanced, if child benefit stopped it half way through his course
The CMS are still saying i need to pay for the first year as child benefit was paid.

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sounds weird. if child benefit was stopped, then that should mean you stop maintenance. i could be wrong. CMS are not very useful in these matters. perhaps its better to do as they say and just pay during the period they mentioned. i don't think CMS will not bother to contact a school or college. they only seem to contact HMRC and your ex.


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