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Calculation and Minute of agreement

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I'm new to this forum and have a couple of questions if that is OK?


I have my children almost 50% of the week, my ex has them every Sunday which means the split is in her favor by about 4 days per month. The calculation CSA works out at about £1,000 per month for that. If I had my kids for the two Sundays per month it would be completely 50/50. She wont allow that (even though the kids would like it). I don't want to put pressure on the kids as their mum is a dragon. My question re this is would it be worth appealing the calculation or is it usually set in stone. 


My 2nd question away from that is as part of my divorce and to get me to agree she settled on an amount of £500 per month (I still provide clothes and half for things), this is in a minute of agreement. I've been informed that after a year this can be scrapped and she can go back to the CSA to get them to recalculate. Is this correct and is there any way to ensure she has to stick to the £500?


Thanks in advance

Topic starter Posted : 07/08/2024 11:17 am
Illustrious Member


I don't think CMS would change your payments. ideally you would need a court order that states kids live with both parents and there is equal overnights and day to day care.

yes it's often the case with those settlements, that after 1 year, the resident parent can go to CMS, unless the settlement specifies that set child maintenance continues until kids turn 16 etc.

Posted : 08/08/2024 3:37 pm

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