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[Solved] Benefit Fraud

Posts: 1
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Joined: 11 years ago

Just wondering if anyone can offer any help or advice? I have recently been told by the CSA that I am in a huge amount of arrears over Maintenance. When I asked them to say how and when these arrears built it looks as though my ex has been claiming Child benefit for our children when she wasn't entitled to (they had left school and weren't in full time education). Despite this the CSA have still said that because there was a valid CB claim in place I am still liable for the underpayments. When I asked how to go about getting the amount reduced I was told that I had to prove a case of benefit fraud and once I had done this they would then look at the amount outstanding again. My question is how do I prove a case of benefit fraud? After doing some research I know how to report a suspected case of fraud but the benefit fraud dept will not inform me of any outcome!? Is this right?

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

I think you should go and see your MP could try speaking to the mother and telling her that unless she contacts the CSA and tells them the truth you will report her for benefit fraud...ideally you could do with her putting it in writing. It's a long shot though!

You are right, the benefits office won't discuss her case with you. It's a minefield.

Joined: 12 years ago

Famed Member
Posts: 2917

Hi there,

I think NJ is right if you try and ask any questions you will enter a real mindfield of issues, I like the idea of talking to your ex and giving her the chnace to put things right before you have to take action.



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