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New Member Registered

Hi all. 

Apologies if this has been asked before, I am not great with tech and thought it best I asked.

I had a family agreement with my ex partner which I paid every month, on time and have never missed a payment. On top of this I paid for additional things such as school uniform, clothes and other things like a new bed etc. I also gave additional money when asked (£100 here £200 there) if I was able to.

My ex started asking for more and more money on the threat of taking me to the CSA if I didn't comply. Eventually, after several threats I said go to the CSA and then we will have a definitive number I would pay. 

The CSA came back stating I should have been paying more a month than I was (which we knew, as I paid for other things when needed) I have started paying the amount requested by the CSA, again not missing a payment. Since this she has raised a claim for the previous moneys totalling almost £20,000 for all the years (my child is 10). Which has made it to court. 

Does anyone have any experience of this? I don't have that kind of money laying about, can she claim for it?

Any advise would be fantastic. Thank you

Topic starter Posted : 24/08/2024 1:48 pm
Illustrious Member

hi, CMS do not backdate payments where/when a CMS case did not exist.

Posted : 26/08/2024 11:24 am
New Member Registered

@bill337 Thank you for your response. This has made it to court and we have a hearing very soon, why would it make it to court if they can't back date it?

Topic starter Posted : 26/08/2024 5:32 pm
Illustrious Member

@quizicle on what basis was court application made, is it under schedule 1 of childrens act, for financial provision? or a financial remedies application? If so, that is not related to CMS.

Posted : 28/08/2024 3:50 pm

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