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Apprenticeship and CMS payments

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Where to start, I found out my child who is 17 is doing a full time apprenticeship and started this last September (2023) after taking a look online I decided to call CMS to get some information. I was told to contact child benefit to raise a "fraud case" against the mother. +Seemed a bit much)

After speaking with child benefit they said I should here back from within a week from CMS.

I never heard back so i called them exactly a week later, this time I spoke with a case handler who explained the first person I spoke with should have issued a letter to the recieving parent which had not been done and also went on to explain the majority of Apprenticeships are classed as full time work therefore payments should cease and any payments made from the start date of apprenticeship should be paid back.

However this morning I received a letter from CMS stating my change of circumstances request (as the child has left full time education) had been rejected, the letter was made out like they had this information from the mother even stating her name saying that she told them the child is in full time education.

This felt a bit fast as the letter to the parent was issued 8th July and it's now the 11th. On speaking to CMS once again (today) they said this this letter was issued because of child benefits information still stating he's in full-time education. Which is 100% not the case

CMS had given the mother in the letter sent 8th July untill the 22nd to respond, but as the case was now closed I was advised even if she was to respond to the letter stating the child is in fact enrolled to a full time apprenticeship and has been since September they won't be able to do anything as the Change of circumstances has been rejected on the basis from the information from Child benefit. 

I'm actually a bit baffled, could anyone advise at all?

Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2024 11:59 pm
Illustrious Member


please see this


also recommended you join this support group for paying parents:



Posted : 12/07/2024 10:31 am

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