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Advice please

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Hi. Hopefully someone will be able to advise me. I’ve been paying maintenance direct to my ex for the last 19 years. I have never missed a payment. My son turns 20 in September, I know I have to pay until he finishes his further education. My ex has got really funny with me as I paid it a few days late this month, as I was struggling due to being off sick from work. She has said I must pay 3 more payments or she will contact child maintenance and they will chase me for the payments. She has also said as it was an agreement between us, she will instruct the child maintenance service to review my wages for the past 6 years and I will have to back pay everything. 

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from what I have read and heard is that if a child is due to finish education or start uni in september, then child maintenance service would expect you to make final payment in september. you could ring to clarify this. can try child maintenance options:               0800 953 0191

what your ex has stated about CMS is wrong. they will not go back 6 years and make you do back-dated pay. if she opens a case with them tommorrow, CMS will only make you pay from date they opened the case.

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@bill337 thanks for the advise. I feel better now

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CMS will defo not back date so don't worry about that. Also if your child is in further education (below uni/degree level) then it ends at the end of Aug and therefore you only need to pay July and Aug.

If she disagrees and wants to apply to CMS then let her, they will only look at things once she opens a case. Plus she will only be disputing 1 payment. Make sure that your payments have the reference CMS and child's name so that it is clear that's what the payment is in case she opens case with them now and you need to prove July/Aug payments. 


All the best. 

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Posts: 3

@Daddyup brilliant, thank you very much for the advise.


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