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[Solved] Emotionally battered

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If the allegations are false you need not worry. I know how it feels like to experience all those. Be Strong and face it.

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Hi Paul.. I've just read your post.. That exactly explains my situation that was enforced on me in June this year.. I to am on this horrible, horrible journey. Allegations after allegations.. I now tremble at the sight of police cars heading towards me, or behind me.. I'm or I was a tough ol cookie.. But this, what my wife has done to me, stealing all the money from the account, a non molestation order against me, allegations, on and on it goes.. I haven't seen my beautiful children in 3 months and to be honest, I'm broken.. But we must go on.. One foot in front of the other, every single day, until we reach our objectives.. OUR CHILDREN. keep it going mate...

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You’re not alone. I was accused of various fake allegations it was laughable. Everyone knew it wasn’t true. I also had almost 2 years of [censored]. I finally got shared care of my son and my ex dropped the allegations after seeing who my Counsel was. I felt truly depressed and still do in a way. You feel like the abused.

There is no easy way, but you’re already strong and haven’t given up! Keep in there. You will feel absolutely drained. You will get access to your children - keep that in your mind. : )


how old is your son? is it 50/50 shared care you got, and was it easy to achieve? how does it work?


Posts: 66
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My son is now 2 and half. Yes it’s shared care that I have. It took 3-4 court sessions and quite a lot of money - I’m not going to lie. I’m not rich but having savings did help me. She only conceded to the lies after seeing the strong representation that I had. It’s not easy and will take will power - it will test you emotionally, but you need to think about the end, hopefully, positive result. I still don’t feel vindicated however in terms of what she did and feel like she wasn’t really questioned about her motives for lying in such a disgusting way.

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Forgot to add about how my particular situation works. Basically it had to work around my work rota. First with me having to handover at a place near to where his mother lives (as she doesn’t drive) after every day I saw him. Then slowly including overnight stays once my son had settled into nursery. Eventually my son will be with me for almost half of the nights a week by early next year. One downside to handovers is having to see the lying face of my ex which is like a constant nightmare. However my son is important and not her.

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