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[Solved] Trouble again. Back to square 1

Active Member Registered

Hi everybody, so I thought everything was sorted. Child arrangements order in place. I took my Daughter on fantastic 1 week holiday, as per the Court order. When we came back all [censored] broke loose. My Ex made new allegations of sexual abuse towards my Daughter. Soctal services arranged a SARC examination. I was horrified, she is now 3 years old. She also took her to the Doctors for a fake UTI and A+E for fake constipation. I was intreviewed by Police. What she said was not possible to have happened. Police cleared me. I was able to see my Daughter again. Then another SARC examination. Social services asked me if I would agree to be supervised to stop her arranging SARC appointments, and i agreed on that basis.

Then Cp conference. It was organized against my Ex. Not against me.
Then she also tried to have me arrested for harrasment. Failed.
Then she actually had me arrested for common assault. Got her neibour to make a witness statement. Both statements were the same word for word. I filmed it on my phone. The police have my phone for downloading.
She has said loads of bad things about me again. All this was sorted before in a Fact find which I won.

Trouble is that Social services believe every word that she says. They don't believe anything that I say. I strongly suspect that Social services are also telling lies and attempting to cover up there mistakes. They do not have my Daughters interests at heart and have treated her like a sack of unwanted potatoes.
I made comments about the person helping out who was doing the supervision for me to Social Services. It was not working out that well as it had become her days with my Daughter and not mine. The Social worker told my Ex, and she made bad comments to my friend, who got really uprset and refused to do it anymore. So now I am only seeing my Daughter 2 hours a week at a children's centre with a Social worker present making notes. Sometimes they are making ridiculous comments about how I interact with my Daughter. It depends who the Social worker is.

My friend who was doing the supervision has now made really bad comments to Social Services about how I spent time with my Daughter. Unbelievably echoing some of the things that my Ex has previously said.

If you think I am making this up i am not. I have prepared a new c100 to go back into Court. I am not sure how I will get on especially as my former friend has said bad things.

The thing is that from my current experience with Social Services, i have formed the opinion that something needs to change. They act like God's. They do not act in the child's best interests. They treat Dad's very badly, and believe abusing Mum's.
I have formed the opinion that there needs to be oversight into what they do. I would like to propose that there should be an "oversight team" made up of someone from Childline a psycologist and a child protection Police officer. ThE Child line person would actually put the child's interests first, no more sacks of spuds. The psycologist could work out who the actual abuser is, and the Police officer would look at actual evidence, instead of a pack of lies. I am quite serious. Something has to be done. Some sort of campaign started.

I don'the know if I will win this time. I fear my Daughter will end up being looked after by the abuser, and i will get frozen out of her life.

Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2020 4:02 am
Famed Member Registered

Keep going mate, no matter what she throws at you just carry on, she can only do this for so long, I’ve had the same for 6 long years, I’ve had all the above only this time I was in court 2 days ago with false allegations, this is criminal court and it’s going to trial early jan, I’ve got family court next month this is the 3rd time at family court for me and the second hearing this year, I’ve not seen my girl for 6 months this time, I had the contact centre thing 1 hour every 2 weeks for 8 weeks then 2 hours every week for 6 weeks then 4 hours supervised by her sister then every weekend for a year, then contact stopped dead, I applied to court for full custody and was awarded it, she then got a solicitor who rinsed next on court but contact was started again for 4 years then stopped again at the start of the pandemic. Reinstated for 2 months then stopped again 6 months ago and that’s why I’m at court again next month, all I can say it take all the [censored] and carry on pal, try not to let it take over your life, don’t let the tw@& get the better of you, SS, Cafcass, mediators are all scum as I’ve never had decent dealings with them, you’ll get there mate the injustice is shocking, carry on fighting don’t let them win!

Posted : 12/11/2020 4:14 am
Active Member Registered

Hi, thanks for the message. I am so sorry to here your story Mate. It is just wrong what is happening. Something has to change. Only we can change it. Your story sounds very similar to mine.

We need to start a campaign to force through change.
A protest March at the houses of parliament?
An online petition?
There must be a lot of us in the same boat. We need to organise ourselves somehow.

I wish you all the best Mate. I do know what you and your Daughter are going through. I know my Daughter loves me and can't understand what is going on. It is just not possible to take that love away. It only makes it stronger.

Topic starter Posted : 13/11/2020 2:45 am
Famed Member

you can follow their complaints procedure so that things are looked in to properly.

If that doesn't reach a satisfactory conclusion, you can contact your local MP who might be able to assist you with a referral to the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman.

Far more effective than online petitions. Although they have their place in raising awareness, acting on each individual case usually has more of an impact.

Hope the court can make some sensible decisions for you. Ultimately, they have more power than Childrens Services.

Posted : 15/11/2020 8:44 pm

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