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[Solved] So anxious and stressed

Reputable Member Registered

I have a final contested hearing this Wednesday regarding enforcing the order. I am sick with nerves and not sleeping at all. I am more concerned about what new accusations will be thrown at me, the fear of the unknown terrifies me.

I have seen my two girls for unsupervised visits 4 times now, they have loved spending time with me and exploring my home, there have been no issues at all other than them being upset when they have to go home, I only get to see them for 3 hours. I have all pick ups and drop offs recorded on my phone just in case they try and suggest I turn up late. I have always arrived before her parents (who are doing the drop offs) there has never been a fact finding hearing on my ex's previous accusations even though I have asked for one. I just worry that she can say anything she likes and they take her word for it again without even investigating it in anyway at all.

I am prepared, I have everything I need printed off, put in order, highlighted specific points that need raising so I can find them quickly. I am appearing in person and they have suggested a 3 hour time slot for the hearing too. I am sick with nerves, but also excitement in hope it goes my way and I get the contact me and my girls want and deserve!

Topic starter Posted : 16/11/2020 5:21 pm
Prominent Member Registered

I think you will be fine. Its normal to be anxious. You will get your contact increased at this hearing. More likely be phased and built up to a good contact order. I am sure you will but just be calm and make it all about children.
Try and not raise concerns about ex as they dont pay much attention anyway unless its a dad been accused of something. The fact you got unsupervised already can only lead to much more of the same and all that has happened is your ex has dragged out the inevitable as long as possible

Posted : 16/11/2020 6:49 pm
Prominent Member Registered

You will be fine on Weds, sensible advice from Warwickshire.

Good Luck.

Posted : 16/11/2020 7:34 pm
Illustrious Member

Hi Ferfer,

hope it goes well for you. with stress/sleep issues try to tire yourself out before going bed. a 30 minute run usually knocks me out. look up wim hof breathing on youtube. great stuff. Good thing it's a final hearing, then you can relax after that. pls keep us updated.

Posted : 17/11/2020 3:44 am
Honorable Member

Although this is the final hearing, there's nothing to stop you going back to court in the future to ask for more contact if you don't get what you want now. If the contact doesn't look as though it's going to be what you hoped for, it might be possible to build in longer time within the order. For example, if all goes well during the next few months, then the time can be increased to x hours without the need to go back to court. You could ask if it seems appropriate. Good luck!

Posted : 17/11/2020 4:03 am

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