2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Posts: 75
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hello all, I have been absent from this forum for a while, but I wanted to jump in and give a bit of a success story. My stubbornness paid off, I fought my ex with all I could and beat her. About three years ago or so, my ex was saying I would never see our children again (this was all to hide the fact she had an affair, got a non mol on me) her lies were shown, she has been threatened with prison is she does not comply and keep making things up.Β 

this started as 2 hours every two weeks at a contact centre. I now have my children every other weekend Fri-Mon and every Wednesday, I also have them for half the school holidays too. This is a massive improvement and our children are thrilled to be seeing me more often but still ask to see me more.Β 

I know this system is a joke, but never take no for an answer. Where lies are brought up, make sure you keep everything to prove this is wrong and expose their lies. Never, ever give up.Β 

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it's great to hear from you again. Enjoy the time with your kids! πŸ™‚



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