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[Solved] Parent Alienation

Posts: 20
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Hi everyone, 

To keep it brief as I know I can waffle on.

I have a court order I see my daughter every other weekend.

The mother has forever been doing parent alienation and is always hostile with me. 

My daughter is of an age now 11 where parent alienation is being a huge divide between me and daughter who once was close.

Her mother encourages her to lie to for example I got told by the mother my daughters phone is broken and I can't contact her in the week now. 

My daughter had to carry this lie on when I picked her up. I found a phone in her coat pocket when approached my daughter she gave me attitude. 

Dropping her home my daughter told me she didn't want to see me again. 

I'm due to pick her up and I don't want to because of what she has expressed. Will I be breaching if I gave her a month to think about what she said and give her space? 

I have my concerns with the mother with how parent alientation is affecting my daughter emotional. I've approached safe guarding they won't do anything just noted it on file. 

What shall I do. Please advise. 

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Posts: 5420
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


no you won't be breaching order by not seeing her and giving her space. But I would suggest you carry on seeing her. Long absences could worsen situation and she may become more comfortable with not seeing you for longer periods of time, and this may become a new routine for her.

if you believe child's reasons for not wanting to see you are unjustified, then it may indeed be a case of parental alienation. you could consider returning to court to have this looked into.

Posts: 5420
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

take a look at this:

How To Deal With Parental Alienation

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Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you both.

Safe guarding when I raised my concerns to them about parent alienation because this is 100% happening.  Plus my daughter suffering emotional absuse from it.  I approached them with my concerns that my daughter has cried couple of times to me telling me her mom pulls her ear and beats her for discipline but apparently if its doesn't leave a mark it's OK. So. 

What form do I fill in to take her to court for parent alientation please? 



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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5420

@bear23 hi. would be c100 form:

costs £232

also suggest you complete form C1A (Allegations of harm and domestic violence)

if you receive any benefits, you should be able to submit application free of charge, by using a help with fees form:

feel free to private message me if you need advice.

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Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you for the help.

I hope you don't mind me updating on here feel isolated and no where else to turn.

So I gave my daughter space and I said in an email to the mum I would call my daughter today to talk about it if she wants me to collect her this Friday. 

I called no answer

I then received a text from my daughters phone saying this is your daughter and I don't want to see you because you work and I get put with other people.

Yes I work till a certain time on Saturday and the other person is my mom her nan or her aunt. Which I always ask and she's happy to spend time with them whilst I work. 

This is 100% not my daughter texting surely she wouldn't say this is your daughter. 

Do I reply? 

What do I say? 

Don't know what to do now as it's my weekend and don't want to breach. 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5420

@bear23 hi. I doubt you would be in breach of an order if child or mother refusing contact. You could reply to the message and say you will make more effort and not work that weekend. Just a suggestion. I was planning on doing work last weekend. I cancelled it at short notice. just felt it would be unfair on the kids and I wanted to make most of weekend with them.


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