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Overturning an S7 report

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Joined: 5 months ago

I just got stitched up with an S7 report. I was asking for an equal shared care arrangement and got much less—every other weekend and a night in between. I got the final hearing in January. What are people's experiences of getting these overturned or amended at this stage? There are no safeguarding concerns; we both live in the same house and I see the kids every day.

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


courts tend to accept cafcass recommendations the majority of time. but now and then a judge overturns it if they think its wrong/unfair.

All you can do is make your strongest arguments in statement form and at hearing, why the recommendations are wrong, and how a 50/50 arrangement will benefit the kids. if you need any advice you can private message me.


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