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[Solved] I have recieved a c100 form wanting to remove a court order. what do i do?

(@Anxious Dad)
New Member Registered

I have a 14 yr old daughter with my ex partner. A court order has been in place for most of her life. My ex has brainwashed my daughter into hating me and she stopped staying with me 3 yrs ago. The ex has applied via c100 form to have it removed as she wants increased payments from me. My ex has also made hateful allegations about me in the document which are completely untrue which I deny.
I want to see my daughter but don't know what to do. If I go back to court will they listen to me or have I lost it? I tried for so many yrs and spent thousands to get a court order but the stress has been immense. Do I need a solicitor? do I just allow it?

Topic starter Posted : 10/11/2020 8:25 pm
Illustrious Member


does the paperwork give you option to oppose the order to drop the arrangements? what you could do is oppose it. then return to court, asking them to re-instate contact between you and your child. when cafcass get involved, they can decide for themselves whether the child has been alienated/manipulated.

You could self-represent in court so you don't have to spend on a lawyer.

Posted : 10/11/2020 8:42 pm
(@Anxious Dad)
New Member Registered

Hi Bill
yes there is a tick box to oppose the application.
I have to admit there is a fear of representing myself in still an unknown area. This is common I guess though.
I also obviously strongly oppose the lies my ex has written but assume I can only give my side of the story in court?

Topic starter Posted : 10/11/2020 8:56 pm
Illustrious Member

I think you should seize the chance as it's been laid out in front of you. you have been through the courts before when you were represented so your experienced now. Last year I was represented. This year I went back and represented myself. I was just reading out loud from my notes most of the time.

everything revolves around the reports that Cafcass produce. You can just tell them you have not been able to see your child in 3 years and you want contact to be re-instated. ask if Cafcass can produce a wishes and feelings report for your child. and see how things turn out.

Posted : 10/11/2020 9:13 pm

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