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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Posts: 1
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Joined: 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I had my first meeting with the courts today, not with a judge but a legal adviser and CAFCASS. 

My ex has stopped contact numerous times as and when she feels, tends to happen more over the Xmas period when she wants to do things and it's my day to have my son. 

My question is if anyone felt as if the legal adviser was pressuring them to accept a proposal they didn't agree to? 

My ex proposed moving from a current weekly arrangement (not a court order) to a fortnightly arrangement. The reason for going to court was to gain more access than I have but her current proposal leave me with exactly the same! 

I felt as if the legal adviser was trying to make me agree to it and wondered if anyone else felt the same? 

I am conscious that the legal adviser wanted to resolve today and feel it was because it may not look good on him that we have been unable to agree.

Cafcass stated today that my son is under no circumstance to have contact with her apparently ex partner (father of the exs other children) but my ex has said she will not do this! 

We have been separated 5 years and I've had my son every Saturday since we split when he was 10 months old. 

Thanks in advance for.


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I have witnessed and experienced similar. It could be that courts have massive back log of applications, and they would prefer to cut it down by trying to get parents to agree earlier on, if there's no major issues. 


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