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[Solved] Cafcass safeguarding interview

Trusted Member Registered

Hi guys

Im after advice and experience on what I should expect next as my anxiety over this is going nuts

Simply put im in the very early stages of a custody battle one to witch if logic prevales I should win because of my ex circumstances

I had a cafcass safeguarding telephone interview yesterday they wanted to go over all the info and abuse i had put sown on my c100 form. Basically I was in the dark to what I actually knew about my ex everything I had put down was consistent with all the information they obtained from socail services etc. Yet it went further I found out my daughter is on child protection register because of physical and emotional abuse to her older brother (not mine) by her mother. And there were loads more instances of forms of abuse i was unaware of i wasnt best pleased but managed to keep my cool on the phone despite how emotional I was getting. I asked what happens now and was told that obviously this gets presented to the court judge that because there was a large risk to my daughter a interim order is almost guaranteed to be put in place regardless of what my ex wants. I tried asking what the cafcass lady thought but obviously they are tasked with remaining impartial etc although she did comment that this was now being pushed up due to risk factor as both police and socail services had signed off on me no concerns etc. Although I was livid to here socail have conviently left out every allegation and complaint I have spoke to them about cafcass knew nothing fortunately I do everything in email and recorded phone calls so I can prove the lot.

Has anyone been in a situation like this what should I expect now I was given a date on the phone right away for first court hearing witch again is telephone. My concern is the court will request a full in depth review into my ex socail background witch will undoubtedly take time and whilst that is going on my daughter is still at risk any advice would be great guys

And does anyone know what the situation around work is if obtain my daughter full time it will basicly force me out of my job but tbh family first so that doesn't worry me im just concerned with the image that will portray in court

Thanks Pete

Topic starter Posted : 18/11/2020 6:31 pm
Illustrious Member

Hi Petesbox99,

so at the moment your not seeing your daughter? it must have been terrible hearing about those issues with your child on a protection register etc. the positive side is this is all going in your favour, as you state that cafcass/socials have no concerns about the child being with you. It's very possible court will order your child to live with you.

cafcass standard safeguarding report is the section 7 . But because of the serious concerns about your case, I imagine they will do more in-depth reports. There's a section 37 report they do for serious cases. Court will either ask cafcass to do it, or local social services. All this can take 8-12 weeks.

I have found court to be not very sympathetic with work situation. I told them I lost a a new job because they could not accommodate me doing school runs. Judge said I can just find another job that's more flexible. I agree with you, put family first. So be prepared to make some big sacrifices. If child is to live with you, you can tell court you will make changes to work to accommodate your child. If you have a good family support network, perhaps they can help look after your child also.

Posted : 18/11/2020 7:17 pm
Prominent Member Registered

What you should find is at first hearing Cafcass will probably remove themselves as social services involved and your children are on a child protection plan. The childrens social worker or her manager will be asked to do a s7 report instead of Cafcass and do recommendations.

You should also if u havent already contact social services and speak to your childrens social worker and ask to be invited to child protection conference meetings and core meetings that regularly take place.

You will get great insight whats going on and will see what contact you are likely to get in future. Basically your ex will be told to do certain things and work with SS and make changes and have to address what they are concerned about. If she dont work with them and doesnt co operate you will get made resident parent.

Are you seeing your children at moment? How old is she and how long has it been since you last seen her

Posted : 18/11/2020 7:42 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Hey thanks for that

Reference cafcass pulling out they seem to want to be more involved as socails action so far has been lacking at best shes gone through 3 socail workers each have a different opinion on her anyone who starts to want to remove my daughter she blows up and socail change her worker im told from someone in the bis shes one of these that socail cant guarantee a win if they take her to court so because of that they'd rather not waste time effort and money just leave her to it.
My daughter is 1 and has been on child protection since birth but I believed she'd came off early this year but found out from cafcass thats not the case I've been to one child protection hearing at the start of it and I wasnt impressed with there safeguarding plan I tried to complain but no1 would listen. However since socail services backed of her there have been numerous reports made against her from various people inc myself yet socail still don't act my daughter has now had 4 child medicals but each time socail failed to act despite the doctor saying there were inconsistencies in the marks and bruises.

I may just be being optimistic but I felt yesterday like cafcass were lingering on the risk factor of her mother quiet a bit and wernt happy socail havent told me any of this despite having a obligation to do so I've been cut out of everything my ex is very clued up on socail she lost one child to them 10y ago and now plays the system im still perplexed how they can state yes proven abuse but we aren't going to do anything about it.

I have another son whom I share 50/50 apparently that goes in my favour as its complety agreed with his mother no court involvement but I've been banned from seeing my daughter and getting told if I contact her she will do me for harrasment and then 10min later getting had ago at for not asking about my daughter so I cant win there my biggest fear is this seems to be one [censored] up after another by socail and they don't seem phased by it or willing to act even when my ex went onto suicide watch they didn't step in its nuts.

Topic starter Posted : 18/11/2020 9:34 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Hey thanks
Im not seeing her atm i cant even bare to ask on one hand i get told im harassing her then I get told I dont care as I dont ask about her basicly shes playing on my emotions trying to destabilise me as shes well aware this is tearing me apart.

Id really hope cafcass will do the report tbh I seem to remember lady on phone saying they'd prob get asked to do a in depth report as I have raised sevral grave concerns over her local child services team.

Im very weary of this process i havent had a easy time trying to get socail to listen to me infact I failed they had already decided the outcome of the child protection before the meeting was nuts. I've tried everything inc putting up with ex abuse to remain close to my daughter to ensure shes ok my hope is cafcass will intervene as her socail worker atm is her friend. Did seem to be definitive that I will get contact again right after first official court meeting but as to what contact I dont know I did request overnight straight away.

I just dont understand why socail are so keen to work with her she has a huge history of abuse has lost one child her family are either high or drunk and all have massive records so much ive requested they are restricted access to my daughter. Im concious this system is biased towards mothers I hope they don't place my daughter at risk just because shes her mother.

Topic starter Posted : 18/11/2020 9:47 pm
Prominent Member Registered

I think the major issue social services have got is that your daughter is only 1 years old. Also its mum thats stopping you from seeing your daughter and nobody has the power to do anything.
One tip when contacting social services always do it by email as then theres a trace of what you have done and people higher up get to see it . Speaking to social worker verbally or on phone is pointless.
Only way to win with social workers is to let them go off on one and dont rise to anything they throw at you, they can be biased and use big words and speak in riddles , but at least they arent picking on you.

I would also not text/ring your ex and dont ask her about your daughter. She then cant attempt to do you for harrasment. Always ask childrens social worker how your daughter is or ask in meetings if u are able to attend.
Your ex will want you to text/ring and could attempt to get police involved and get free legal aid for courts

Posted : 18/11/2020 11:14 pm
Trusted Member Registered


Yer shes stopped me technically she not allowed to stop me but like you say I cant do anything otherwise I will wind up in trouble with the police.

I dont phone or text socail anymore everything is email but even that doesn't get a response from them. Their unwillingness to talk to me or keep me informed is ridiculous considering cafcass said I have a legal right to be informed as I have pr.

I dont talk to the ex at all the only time she contacts me is when she wants money to witch I dont respond as everything goes through cms.

With regards to legal aid I think she gets it already as shes on uni credit and she tried to do a c100 form but id already beaten her to it making sure to list all the abuse

Topic starter Posted : 18/11/2020 11:24 pm

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