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being stitched up by CMS and Ex's

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hi All

looking for some advise on how best to start the process of complaining about the CMS?

in short i was made redundant for 10 days in September last year and also my boys mum forgot to tell DWP that my son was still in FT education - then the other Ex (looking for any excuse to cause me drama) took those 10 days of being redundant as a stick to beat me with and started calling them to say im still working , trying to change number of nights etc etc 


ive never missed a payment for either child for nearly 20yrs - with all the above i was getting new letters and schedules sent through but no response to any of my letter or calls. the thing i done wrong which i didn't realise was that i took the one parents now inflated money and gave it to the other parent thinking that this will be sorted out , the payments will return to normal and we can all move on ........trouble is they didn't acknowledge my son as back FT education until December! so my thinking it would be sorted out quite quickly was wrong and then i had the other parent complaining im not paying her enough. i called almost everyday to try again to get them to sort payments out and make their adjustments but nobody ever came back .

i had some CMS personnel saying i was doing the right thing and understood why i was doing what i was doing ( basically making sure both children/mums had money coming in) - then i had others start telling me you should have stopped paying the one parent until it was sorted and kept to the inflated schedule to the other parent . in the main it was personnel saying i was doing the right thing and that it would all come out eventually and be adjusted. and i was just trying to do the right thing rightly or wrongly 

i sent all bank statements in online about 3 times , ive had re considerations going on where one ex is trying to get more money again . i was then only told a week ago after complaining that i need to send voluntary payments info on another tab as nobody would have been alerted to the bank statements ive already sent . they finally sent these amounts to the other mum to see if she agreed with them (baring in mind this is 8mths in now) she said she accepted them . so im waiting for the final letter to come through thinking they have finally sorted it , only to get an email that they are rejecting those payments as it should have been sorted out between me and the mum and that not only that but im now going on collect and pay!! fuming is an understatement - just for trying to do the right thing


my point being is - they never replied to me, i kept on sending evidence and uploads on the portal , basically begging them to call ne to sort it out as its gone on to long , caseworker saying they would call back then not hearing a thing for weeks or months , and then just said decisions been made and you cant do anything , you should have kept to the schedule (even though sometimes they were changing weekly sometimes daily, i didn't know weather is coming or going!


feels like they just took way to long, saw in the end that i was constantly trying to get hold of them, and have now hidden behind red tape and their laptops and just kicked me to one side knowing im powerless to do anything!!


im so stressed by it and just want to know what i can do next - and it all started by one of the mums not telling DWP about FT education, me being laid off and the other mum being opportunistic! i hadn't actually done a thing wrong yet im the one thats got completely canned for it!!


sorry for the rant


anyone help?



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best way to make complaint is contact your MP and ask them to raise complaint with CMS


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