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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course | Personal Stories | 100 days of Lockdown (and my kids won’t stop growing)

100 days of Lockdown (and my kids won’t stop growing)



100 Days! Well we are surviving just. Hoping all of you are staying well, sane and that money worries aren’t rearing their heads.


If you have survived so far, congratulations. This has been tough.

This week I have been going crazy. My kids just keep growing? So we have been thinking a lot about Shoes, Clothes & Hair!


I can barely remember it now, but just before total lockdown, my last, mad shop dash was to the discount shoe shop. My two-year old’s trainers were far too full of feet and I spent my panic buying time picking up no-brand trainers that did the job. Now, 100 days later I know I probably ought to venture into town and have both kid’s feet measured again. That is what I’d have done pre-lockdown, but a lot changes in 100 days. All of a sudden I am now that person who orders shoes online. My mates with kids had an old foot measuring gauge. (Don’t try and order one from Clarks the website literally laughs at you). All shoe shops are offering a lengthy returns package now so a couple of clicks and the shoes will be on their way. If you can’t get hold of a foot measuring gauge then try printing out one like this: Foot Guide


At the beginning of lockdown we were still wearing puffy jackets and hats and this week we have been firmly in t-shirts and shorts, now we need rain coats and welly boots. I have had a number of internet clothes buying disasters in the last three months. Mostly related to not checking what material t-shirts are made of. Polyester is not a choice I would intentionally make. Some definite ups have been freebies we have had from our local Give Away Facebook group, waterproofs, dresses, jumpers.  Next I might try this idea from the folks at Lost Stock for Kids. Lost Stock, the fashion initiative set up in the wake of Covid-19 to save lives in Bangladesh has today launched kidswear boxes – Lost Stock for Kids. For £35, customers receive a personalised selection of cancelled childrenswear stock direct from manufacturers. Each purchase supports a family in Bangladesh for one week and also prevents brand new clothing ending up in landfill. You don’t get to choose much beyond the age of your child, but quite frankly given the disasters I have already had trying to online shop for my girls, I have nothing to lose.


We finally went for it. It was a big event in our house, but  the clippers came out here at the weekend, and a successful home haircut was achieved. I’ll still keep my head down if I see the barber on the street! As for the kids well my five-year-old is delighted, as after a year of planning, lockdown has helped her achieve her life-long goal to have hair that goes down all the way to her bottom. I am cool with that, as for the last months at home the silver lining has been the absence of your favourite friend and mine, nits! The two year olds hair looks like she has been scraped backwards through a bush, well we aren’t seeing many people anyways so….

As we begin to see what the long term impact of Coronavirus will be, how the economy will look, one thing I hope I will take with me after this first #100days is a new approach to how I spend my money. I don’t want to go back to the pre-pandemic economy I want our family to move forward. I would love to hear how your family are doing too. Don’t forget you can come and talk to us about any parenting questions on our forum – LEARN MORE.

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