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Wayne’s World.

Growing up is weird. In the words of Wayne Campbell (of Wayne’s World), ‘I’m a little older, a little wiser and I’m starting to grow hair in really weird places.’  

It’s true – I’ve noticed a few stray hairs growing from my ears…not cool.  I was shocked and disappointed to see that Wayne’s World is twenty years old in May. The last twenty years seem to have skipped by at quite a pace.  

The reason for my life reflection this week is that my wife turns thirty tomorrow, and I’ll follow in May. There’s no denying it now –  we are grown-ups. 

In my teenage years I never walked round feeling radiators to see if they were on. Now I do it all the time. I’ve also become terrible at remembering lyrics to songs, but instead of not singing I make up my own words. That sounds awfully like something my Dad would do. It drives Faith crazy. Adlai doesn’t seem to mind at the moment by it’s only a matter of time. I’ve been listening to talk radio for the last few years too… can’t stand all that ‘music’ the other stations play. It just sounds like noise to me. 

To celebrate my good lady wife’s birthday we’ve decided to extend the festivities to a week, which I would call a birthweek, but it just sounds kind of weird. I’m sure Adlai must be just as excited about the celebrations as his Mum (Mom) is as he woke up five times in one night last week and he has been waking up before 6am for several mornings in a row. Faith thinks it’s his teeth, but I’m fairly certain it’s the excitement. So there are various funtivities happening throughout the week which culminate in an awesome house party at the end of the week. Yep, we may stay up as late as 11pm.  

‘Party on Wayne…. And Party on Garth.’


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