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Snow in Bags

When I asked Faith what she wanted for Christmas she told me that she would like to go and stay in a hotel for the night – this seemed like a reasonable request. To be honest, a romantic weekend away sounded pretty good to me too. However, my wife’s request didn’t actually involve me.


She wanted to go alone. No Boys and no husband; Just her and a book. After a little further investigation, it wasn’t so much the ‘night’ away she wanted but (understandably) she wanted a bit of time to herself. So I consulted with my cousin (the fount of all spa related knowledge) and then booked Faith a day away at a Spa with various treatments involving chocolate, shells and massage – this day was Friday.

So, Friday was a boy day. A day full of boy related funtivities. As fate would have it, the boy day was blessed by some snow fall – which made the early walk to town even more fun than usual. We decided to collect as much snow as possible in a TESCO plastic bag (which seemed like a really good idea at the time). Once in town, we had a competition to see who could eat the most pancakes – surprisingly Koa won the competition and I think would have kept going if the competition hadn’t been limited by finances and a disappointing amount of grown up sensibleness. We then looked at some toys and did every activity we could find at the (deserted) museum. Our time was cut short by our bag of snow starting to leak water (should have seen that coming) making some of the exhibits a little treacherous and attracting the attention of the security guards.

The journey back was not so much fun. Most of the snow had gone. And the bag of snow had turned into a bag of snow was dripping all over my foot. The boys had pretty much lost it by this point too, so in one hand I carried a scooter and a small boy and in the other pushed a pushchair with a big boy carrying a leaking TESCO bay. The journey home probably didn’t feature as a funtivity.

Post naps we attempted a trip to the park but the cold got the better of us. We decided to opt for seeing our time out with movies and indoor wrestling. Faith made it home in time for bedtime and (disappointingly) had no remnants of Chocolate or shells on her. Christmas complete.


The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the blogger and do not necessarily represent the views of 

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