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Living Social

Faith and I took a giant step out of the dark ages this week. We both acquired ‘smart phones’ and they really are ever so smart in both the English and American senses of the word.

We both thought that our new smart phones would make us feel extremely young and trendy. To be honest though, they have had the opposite effect. It took Faith a good 10 minutes to figure out how to make a phone call. I peer at the screen and ask questions like ‘How do I know if the Wi-Fi is on?’ Adlai seems to find the whole show rather amusing and imitates our touch screen finger movements on our house phone.

Since my early struggles though, I have embraced the new world and decided to join both Instagram and Twitter. Faith, a seasoned pro at both has been giving me advice on social media etiquette. As it turns out, nobody cares what I had for breakfast. So I have put my best virtual foot forward and have been updating the online world on my Easter adventures. On Twitter, I currently follow 15 people (including DadTalk) and have a grand total of 4 followers. It’s early days and I feel pleased at my new online presence. If you’re as trendy as me, feel free to follow me; I’m cakeydwight.

Of greater significance than our smart phone purchases and providing excellent tweeting material this weekend was Faith’s and my five-year wedding anniversary. It’s been quite an eventful five years; we’ve really packed it in. Two continental moves, one baby, five different homes, three or four different jobs and a whole bunch of fun and laughter. It’s been a fantastic adventure.

See you in the online world. I’ll be the one with the upside-down photos and run-downs of my weekly dinners.

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