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House Husband

I’m a kept man. Well… for one morning a week anyway. This week Faith’s maternity leave ended and it was decided that she would go back to work for a total of 20 hours per week. Due to the understanding nature of her employers, she has a baby-friendly arrangement where she only has to be in the office one day a week and she can make up the rest of the hours from home.


When Faith departed for her first morning in the office for nine months, Adlai and I waved her off. As an aside Adlai really did wave her off; it’s his latest trick and his favorite pasttime. He likes to wave more or less all the time and to everyone he sees in his day to day pursuits.

As for mine and Adlai’s morning together, it all went very smoothly. Adlai took his regular morning nap and didn’t seem too perturbed as to the source of the pre-nap milk. Then we ran a few errands, passing several people on the street, which was the ideal opportunity for him to further showcase his wave. Once that was all done it was time to pick Faith up as her first morning back at work was over.


Let’s hope every week goes this smoothly.

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