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Dancin’ Machine

Adlai likes to dance. I do not, but I have been working on my dad dancing since I found out Faith was pregnant two years ago. You know a dad dance: it’s like the one your dad does. If you haven’t picked up your dad dancing style yet a good place to get some inspiration is a wedding. Dads everywhere and they’ve all got finely tuned styles. In full swing, mine resembles something between a baby horse and C3PO.

Adlai can bust his own moves at any given moment. He could be set off by a jingle on the TV, a passing car playing loud music or some rhythmic tapping. He doesn’t really even need any music to get him going. I guess when you’ve got to dance,  you’ve just got to dance.

This weekend we went to a wedding, and after the ceremony and all the speeches it was time to party. The disco was the usual wedding affair with the DJ playing a spectacular selection of cheesy songs from the past. We kept Adlai up late especially. Unfortunately it seems that that the big occasion got the better of him and he decided he did not want to dance on his own two feet. He opted to dance whilst being held by me. This proved to be a good workout and an excellent dancing accessory by solving the age-old dancing predicament – what to do with my hands.  Adlai’s technique was to rapidly wave and pump his fists, a style which seemed to attract much attention and I’m sure will be a big hit at school discos in the future.

We have another wedding to attend in a couple of months’ time and Adlai and I will be putting some practice in. This next one is in Scotland, so perhaps we could introduce our own flavour of Highland dance…but I’m not sure the world is ready.

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