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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course | Lifestyle | Sport, Health, Fitness & Grooming | Sport and Fitness | Hitting the beach? Get trim with this belly-busting workout

Hitting the beach? Get trim with this belly-busting workout

Summertime means there will be a lot more flesh on show, especially if you’re heading to the beach with the family. If you’re feeling extra fleshy and want to trim down, start doing some of these easy home workout moves…


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You don’t have to hit the gym to say goodbye to fat, there are plenty of fat-burning moves that you can perform at home to blast those stubborn fat stores away. Just remember two things; think about exercise in a different way and channel your sense of humour, who knows, you may actually start to really enjoy it! Some of the best fat-burning exercises utilise your own bodyweight as an effective training method. Try an exercise class such as GT30  at DW Fitness Clubs, or a high-intensity circuits class. We often think that exercise should be restricted to gyms or classes, but the truth is we can do exercise anywhere and in any form that we like! Make sure you are taking every opportunity you can to get active – that’s also where the second aspect comes in, as some of these exercises might make you feel a bit silly at first. Bursting into random squats in the kitchen may not seem very conventional, but sometimes it’s the only way you’ll make yourself do it!


5 top fat-burning moves

You can perform these moves one at a time whenever you like, or put them all together for a high-intensity 20-minute workout.



It’s not just for children, it’s the cardio workout of choice for many top athletes, including boxers! Skipping has the capacity to burn maximum calories and fat and you can alter your tempo to create an interval training workout. Alternate skipping as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then reduce the speed of your skip for 20 seconds and repeat for 5 minutes.



This killer full-body move has major fat-burning properties and the best part about it is that it can be performed virtually anywhere. Begin by getting into a squat position with your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Kick your legs behind you into a push-up position and lower your chest to the floor. Immediately bring your feet back to squat position and jump up as high as you can from the squat position. Perform as many as you can for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat this cycle for five minutes for maximum fat loss.



This is an oldie but a goodie move that has been strengthening the arms, shoulders and cores of fitness fanatics for years, while also burning fat. Try and go for four sets of 10 press-ups with a 30-second rest in between each set.

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Wall sit

This may not seem like much of a fat burner when you start, but try telling yourself that after 20 seconds of wall sits! Simply lean against a wall in the squat position, using your back for support. See how long you can go for and feel those quads burn! Make it even harder by holding a heavy object with your arms.


Jump squats

This move will get your heart rate soaring, while strengthening your glutes and core. Squat down into a sumo position with your legs wide apart, then jump up high and return to the low squat position touching your hands to the floor. Do as many as you can for 30 seconds and repeat for 5 minutes.
















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