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Which employer is the most family friendly – Survey


How do you balance your work and home life? Feel overloaded? Well no surprise there. Most Dads work hard to pay the bills.  In fact Fathers are the socio-economic group most likely to have a job* so our ears pricked up when we saw that next week, 7-11 October is National Work Life Week a campaign led by Working Families.

At we support this campaign because we know how important it is to find the right balance for parents with the support of family-friendly flexible employers. At we believe in putting children first. If you are a Dad in work and want to avoid the ‘parenthood penalty’ we need to make sure employers understand that being a committed employee and a committed parent can go hand in hand.

In the Working Families survey they discovered that:

  • 60% of parents have to work extra hours to keep on top of their workload
  • Almost half of parents (47%) say that work gets in the way of spending time with their children
  • More than a quarter of parents (29%) feel their wellbeing is poor most or all of the time
  • 86% of parents want to work flexibly, but less than half (49%) actually do

Is that kind of familiar? Is that you?

While we have your attention.


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

We would like to find out which employers are getting it right. So if you are on your coffee break, take a minute to fill in our survey and let us know anonymously which of your employers has the most family friendly policies:

For more about the campaign find Working Families on Twitter @workingfamUK


* The Office of National Statistics reports that only just over 5% of Dads are what is termed economically inactive – i.e. on long-term sick, studying, retired or looking for work.

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